Nvu is coming!

NvuA complete Web Authoring System for Linux Desktop users to rival programs like FrontPage and Dreamweaver. Nvu makes managing a web site a snap. Now anyone can create web pages and manage a website with no technical expertise or knowledge of HTML.

Daniel Glazman is the lead developer and maintainer for the Nvu project. Daniel has been the chief architect for Mozilla Composer.

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Michael Robertson from Lindows writes:

Today Lindows.com is announcing that we're backing a new initiative to close this major hole that we have personally experienced. With money, engineers and specifications, we're kicking off Nvu (pronounced N-view). This product will bring to Linux a solid WYSIWYG HTML editor which does have the web publishing abilities of products like FrontPage. We're leveraging some of the code base and engineers from the open source Mozilla Composer effort to create a new product that will give Linux desktop users a high-quality HTML publishing tool. We're looking for other developers to help in this initiative and you can find more information at www.nvu.com. Watch for a great product from this team shortly which will benefit all Linux users!

Read the entire text


October 29, 2003 10:10 PM | Posted in Mozilla


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I don't know... nVidia has nView...........

Comment by Oleg at October 29, 2003 11:01 PM | Permalink

Nvu is really good HTML Editor. Developers keep up the good work.

Feature Request

1) better support for JavaScript.
2) clean CSS GUI.
3) syntext highlight
3) Autocomplete for tags & attribute
4) no Dialogs please.
5) Link Checker.
6) Preview in IE, Mozilla & other browsers.

I also wish it should have a floting panel and avoid the annowing dialog box. like Macromedia Dreamweaver.

Any one know about available Extensions or plugins for NVU.


Comment by Yogesh at December 6, 2004 08:14 PM | Permalink

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